Welcome Message

Welcome one and all, near and far,

Welcome to my blog LivingWithBilly.

Ever wonder what it would be like to live with someone who has a special disability?

Now you can somewhat get and idea. Read on to see more!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Changes Made To Blog

Hello All!

Before you think you are going crazy thinking about this, yes I did change my blog. Your eyes are not decieving you. Here is a walkthrough of my blog and the new changes I have made.

As you can see, I've changed the color. I changed it to cooling, soothing colors due to the freezing weather we are having in New England. Great Isn't it? Nope.

Underneath that is a welcome message to any new readers.

To the right in order I have:

People Who Care View Counter: 1,640.....amazing. Keep spreading the website and let's get to 2,000!

About Me- My poem called "Billy".

My Poll: Okay, this is something new that I've decided to put on here to keep you all entertained. Every eek or so a new poll will be put up. A New post or no new post a new poll will always be up. Usually having to do with the page. This week, my poll is about my music which I will be talking about in a minute and another poll about the new changes made to the page. Please vote. It will help a lot.

My Followers: I would like to explain how this works to those of you who cannot figure it out. Alright these are the step-by-step instructions.

1.) Click Follow
2.) A screen will pop up saying Follow LivingWithBilly. Click on any of the following accounts if you have one: Google/Gmail, Twitter, Yahoo!, AIM, Netlog or OpenID.
3.) Sign in if not already.
4.) Enjoy the posts.

If you need more help please let me know. If you do not have nay of these accounts, please follow through Facebook. If you would like me to send you a wallpost or Facebook e-mail about when I update my blog, let me know. I will be mroe than happy to accominate this.

Blog Archive: This just is a Table Of Contents for my blog in case you want to look back at older posts.

If you scroll all the way down, you will see Popular Posts. This is self-explaainatory. It lists the most popular posts.

Then I put in something fun that I found at school. It's named (on my particular blog) Billy's Fish Aquarium. You can feed the fish and make them move by putting your crusor (arrow, mouse) on the light blue and click if you do this multipule times, the fish will come over and eat! It's somethign to do if you're lookinf for something weird or somewhat entertaining to do.

Now, I would like to explain more about my polls. I am currently getting ready to take guitar lessons. I'm very excited about this and am hoping to be able to make my poems into songs. I'm thinking about using this with my blog too! Billy loves music, as do I, and I'm hoping this can add more of a charm to this blog to make it more entertaining. I am goinng to post the song lyrics to the songs in my polls after this. Choose your favorite and vote. It may be one that I'll post on here with me playing it on guitar for you. Voting ends on 2/6/11 at 7:54 PM. The other poll is about navigating on my page. Choose on of the following: Easy, Hard, It's Alright, I want the old layout back, I just wanted to click this to see what would happen.

Thank you for reading this post and I hope you enjoy the new layout. Please vote for these to your right of the screen. Thank you.


It's all these missing
Puzzle pieces
Making me stay up late
Just reminiscing
Oh how my life
Has changed so greatly
What it would've been life
If you were different
If you learned to talk on time
If you could just walk away
If nothing would decline
And everything was okay
There's nothing wrong
With being different
Every once and awhile
Although yours is different
You don't just come and talk
Like the average child
Being pushed and shoved around
Every once and a while
Learning is an expierence for us all
Maybe one day we will sit back and be able to
Just reminise
About how it would be different
If you could walk or talk
If in a crowded room you never cried
Where would we be without you here?
We would suddenly decline
Without you in our air
Before you stepped in
Everything was different
And just so you know
I wouldn't change that
For the world.

You're just a little boy
Keeping to yourself
Looking at the world
This world is your playground
You can run and hide
Talk when you want
And maybe even cry
Sometimes these things aren't right
They don't happen on time
You have something wrong
That's not right
No matter what
You're still Billy
A cute little boy
Only four years old
Already your 1/110
With a big bright future
And a big, big world
You'll blow us all away
So come on boy,
Stand up straight
Chase this disease away
Billy is a boy
Acting like he's two
Problem is he's four
Some people would think
He's just another thing to roll your eyes at but,
Honey that's just not the case
He might be a little behind
Chances are though,
He's smarter than you
Finishing puzzles in minutes
Running like the speed of like
Is everything at makes him Billy
With one voice, one heart and a lot of love
He will get far
No matter what
He'sstill Billy
A cute little boy
Only four years old
Already he's 1/110
With a big bright future
And a big, big world
He'll blow us all away
So come on boy,
Stand up straight
Chase this disease away.

This story starts
You and me
Lots of Laughter
But, Honestly
Something wasn't right
You put up a fight
Getting you to look at me
you couldn't do it
With somethign holding you back
What could it be?
We didn't know
It's somehting drastic for sure
Then we knew
You're different from the rest
Staring off into space
Going into a world of Sanity
It doesn't matter
You're still Billy
Just unique
Oh with that smile of yours
And those two front teeth
With the humor and laughter
You're going to be unique.
Ever so easily
You'll get upset
Have to leave for awhile
Then come back
Like nothig happened
You'll be sane
Until you break out
Into stress again
In you're own little world
You're unique
And full of your own
But, before you break about again
I need to tell you
Ever so easily
You're unique.

I know that some of these are REALLY bad! If I end up editing them, which I probably will, I'll let you know and let you vote again. Thank you for reading! Remember to vote!

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